You will be posting to your website three great ideas for second semester, one of which must be a story idea.

  1. First thing’s first. A story idea of must-see sporting events at Prospect to go to. Maybe even a top 10 that I went to during my time at Prospect that are MUST-DO’s before you graduate. Obviously an opinion piece, I would hope not to hurt the feelings of any athletes or their teams. And for those feelings I may hurt, maybe they should just play a different sport.

Ex. 1. MSL Championship game. No matter the sport. Nothing like it.

2. Homecoming football game. 2015 win against RM was the best football game in the last four years.

3. Road Trips over to Hersey. Different venue, even better vibe.

4. Friday at Ultimate Frisbee. Probably playoffs.


If indeed the story were to go through, there would be more pictures of my examples. This would probably work best in an alternate story form.

2. Having a ticker on our website. Reads news/scores that may not need Screen Shot 2016-01-18 at 9.53.52 PMa story but are good info to share. Sort of like sharing our “What’s happening?”

A 1/2 of a BNT could be going to source for the “what’s happening” and getting a quote, like the example to the right on CNN. Either 1/2 BNT so would need two of those or could be extra credit.

3.  After recent turbulence between the agreement of PHS students regarding FemClub, I think it is fair to say we should cover more controversial topics and maybe even play “Devil’s Advocate” on lighter topics. The Website saw 218 direct hits regarding the Staff Ed from Issue 5, whether or not FemClub at Prospect is necessary or not. Topics may be hard to come by off of the top of one’s head but I think they will make their ways into the halls of PHS. Examples such as feminism, politics, Trump, sporting events and teams, etc.

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